Let Clients Know About a Mediation Option:
- Why? Because mediation can resolve family challenges that stand in the way of your family member client or patient following through on your advice to them
- Even when mediation bears no direct relation to your professional goals, telling a client about mediation when family conflict is of concern reinforces your value to them as a trusted advisor who takes a wholistic interest in their well-being
- Working with a certified Senior Advisor who stays abreast of information, trends, products and services that are relevant to families with aging loved ones helps families get the information and analysis they need for informed decision-making
Professional Challenges, from the Standpoint of:
- Realtor: represents a family member who wants the family home sold but it can’t be unless the family as a group first resolves differences among adult siblings;
- Physician: witnesses heart-breaking conflict among adult children about their parent’s deteriorating health condition but is powerless to bridge a divide beyond his expertise;
- Aging Life Care Experts (GCM’s): recommends a care plan requiring strong familial support from many people, which is lacking. Mediation helps get familial "buy in” by addressing each family member’s issues and concerns, equally;
- Attorney:
- recommends that a Power of Attorney document be signed before capacity becomes an issue but family dynamics stand in the way;
- concerned that one of the adult children is possibly taking advantage of a parent. A skilled facilitator knowledgeable about family dynamics and elder issues can help family members come up with a workable solution that avoids court;
- observes conflict between the adult child with Power of Attorney over financial matters and the sibling who manages their parent’s care. Mediation can help them resolve their differences and avoid court;
- Financial Advisor: frustrated because he can’t help his elderly client plan their financial legacy because of personal conflict between his client and their children
Complimentary Educational Presentation and Consultation